Yeah, you got it right. The name says it all. She's bad and bossy. With all the right curves and features, this lil chocolate lady has a lot to offer. Her brain is just as gorgeous. We interview Ms. Missy in the next issue of "Gorgeous Magazine"

Editorial, Fashion and lifestyle can be found within these pages, articles and features ranging from relationships to economy. This is not your typical Men's mag or Eyecandy mag. It is a publication comprised of works from various talents, well known and budding. We offer something more tangible and visually stimulating in the fact that you get to see the diversity of your favorite photographers, artists, muses and models in many different styles and various ways of creativity.
One of the main functions of our publication is to bring back what we felt was lost. The artistic and creative values. Not just flesh and sex. Which are major contributors to the sale of any magazine of this genre. Keeping the interest of our readers and fans devoted to us is paramount and so we continue to reopen avenues and doors that were once closed to photographers & models who have the ability to become and do more with their skills and talents.
"Gorgeous means more than beauty. In fact it is actually the brilliance or magnificence in things this is why you find our definition page in the mag before anything else"
Gorgeous [gawr-juhs]
1. splendid or sumptuous in appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificent: a gorgeous gown; a gorgeous sunset.
2. Informal. extremely good, enjoyable, or pleasant: I had a gorgeous time.
To Become a Featured Model:
Our photographer is in NYC: Lloyd Parks/43studios
All models are chosen based on their images and performance. We're looking for strong outgoing and ambitious individuals, who are dynamic and those who are willing to give the look we need.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Labels: interview, models, ms missy, photoshoots, sexy
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: photoshoots lloyd parks phoyography, veronica vior
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Lil Wayne kicks off new season tonight of VH1's 'Behind the Music'
by Marcia White
Thursday September 10, 2009,
VH1's "Behind the Music" shines the spotlight tonight on rap mogul Lil Wayne.
One of my favorite reality/bio shows returns at 10 o'clock tonight, VH1's "Behind the Music."
The series will feature a profile on Lil Wayne.
I'm not a fan, but it doesn't matter. I always watch "Behind the Music," no matter who the artist is. If it's someone I'm into, that's a bonus. The show is a roller coaster ride that takes you to the darkest depths and super highs of famous musicians and bands.
Here's the network's summary of the episode:
"By the time he was 11 years old, Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., aka Lil Wayne, had lost his virginity, dealt drugs, snorted cocaine and nearly shot himself to death after accidentally pulling the trigger on a gun he found in his mother's bedroom. That was life in the dangerous, poverty-stricken neighborhood in New Orleans 17th Ward, where Lil Wayne grew up. A musical prodigy, hip hop was Wayne's ticket to a better life. ... But Wayne's path to stardom was littered with personal challenges. The violence of New Orleans struck again as his stepfather was gunned down when Wayne was just 14. ... Rumors of an addiction to prescription cough syrup and an arrest in New York City for gun possession only fueled the controversy surrounding the outlaw rapper. Regarded as a renegade, Wayne then released a prolific and game changing record, Tha Carter III. Almost instantly, Lil Wayne rocketed to superstardom and became the pop icon of 2008. The self proclaimed "greatest rapper alive" received the ultimate validation when Wayne walked away with four Grammy Awards, completing a remarkable journey for the 27-year-old."
How can you not watch that?
Here's a sneak peek:
more on Lil Wayne:
Lil Wayne was already on rap's radar back when he was a member of Cash Money Records' Hot Boyz crew. But when the collective — featuring Juvenile, BG, Young Turk and Wayne — disbanded, the New Orleans native's solo career sputtered despite showing promise on his major-label debut, Tha Block Is Hot.
In the rapper's upcoming "Behind the Music" special, set to air September 10 on VH1, he talks openly about scrapping his rhyme books during a furious recording session, where he transformed from Cash Money's young sidekick to the label's heavyweight superstar.
"The only way I won't be able to rap anything I've written again is to record everything I've ever written before once," he explained of what led to his now notebook-free style.
The result was a 35-minute freestyle called "10,000 Bars," on which Wayne's disjointed rhymes, parts of various working songs, become a cathartic release and set the tone for his memorable mixtape run and a series of Carter albums.
"That changed Wayne as an artist," his longtime manager, Cortez Bryant, said.
In the wake of that recording session, Wayne developed a spastic, flowing, free-association style. Songs like "A Milli" and "I Feel Like Dying," along with his Dedication 3 mixtape, cemented his prowess. The real confirmation came with his first-week sales of 1 million copies of Tha Carter III and his Grammy win for Best Rap Album this year.
The hour-long "Behind the Music" also looks at Lil Wayne's rise to pop stardom and features a number of familiar faces from his past: Juvenile, BG and producer Mannie Fresh offer insight in the MC's prolific ascendance; Turk, the fourth Hot Boyz member, is currently incarcerated.
Lil Wayne's still-pending court case in New York for allegedly carrying a weapon is examined. He also opens up about his 2004 marriage to his high school sweetheart and the mother of his first child. Throughout the show, the rapper's drug use and the shooting that almost took his life as a child are also detailed.
"I just slid to the door in my own blood," Wayne said of his self-inflicted gunshot wound and the aftermath.
The rapper's New York gun case stems from 2007 arrest following his first headlining show in Manhattan. Wayne's tour bus was stopped moments after his show and the rapper was arrested and later released. Wayne is due back in a New York court later this month.
Memnoch the Devil
Memnoch the Devil (1995) is the fifth novel in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles series, following The Tale of the Body Thief. In this story, Lestat is approached by the Devil himself and offered a job
Plot summary
After stalking and killing Roger, a ruthless but enthrallingly passionate mobster, Lestat is approached by his ghost. Roger's ghost asks him to take care of his daughter Dora, a devout and popular television evangelist, whom he wants to spare from embarrassment. At the same time, he is becoming increasingly paranoid that he's being stalked by a powerful force. Lestat and his companions try to protect her "church" from the fact that her father was a killer.
Eventually, Lestat meets the Devil, who calls himself "Memnoch." He takes Lestat on a whirlwind tour of Heaven, Hell and the main epochs in the evolution of the universe. The tour offers a retelling of the entirety of Biblical history from the devil's point of view, in an effort, by Memnoch, to convince Lestat to join him in a noble quest. In his journey, Memnoch claims he is not evil, but merely working for God by ushering lost souls into Heaven. Lestat is left in confusion, unable to decide whether or not to cast his lot with the Devil.
After the tour, Lestat believes himself to have had a major revelation. Among other things, he believes that he has seen Christ's crucifixion and that he has received Saint Veronica's Veil. He has also lost an eye in Hell. He tells his story to Armand, David Talbot and Dora, who have joined him in New York. Dora and Armand are deeply affected upon seeing the veil. Dora takes it and reveals it to the world and Armand goes into the sun and immolates himself in order to convince people that a miracle has occurred.
At the end of the novel, Lestat and David go to New Orleans. There, Maharet returns Lestat's eye to him, along with a note from Memnoch. This note reveals that Memnoch may have been manipulating Lestat to serve his own agenda. Lestat then loses control of himself and Maharet is forced to chain him in the basement of the St. Elizabeth's convent, which is owned by the vampires, so that he will not hurt himself or others. When he is at last released, Lestat enters a prolonged coma on the floor of St. Elizabeth's (in which he remains for the next installment of the Vampire Chronicles).
Although the novel fits in the The Vampire Chronicles storyline, the vast majority of it consists of the "tour" Memnoch gives Lestat of Heaven, Hell and of the cosmology and theology behind it all.
The novel follows up on claims made by David Talbot in The Tale of the Body Thief that God and the Devil are on better terms than most Christians believe. It also reinterprets biblical stories to create a complete history of Earth, Heaven and Hell that fit neatly with the history of vampires given in The Queen of the Damned.
Lestat (vampire)
The main character of the story and the past three books (the first being about Louis), Lestat was created by a powerful vampire named Magnus, who promptly cremated himself after creating his heir. Lestat is a relatively "good" vampire, only feeding on those he deems evil after reading their minds.
Fond of breaking rules and creating chaos, Lestat decides to become a rock star in the late 20th century, outing himself as a vampire through his lyrics, which also incorporated vampiric lore. When the "mother" and "father" of all vampires are awakened by Lestat's music, a chain reaction was set off that had global consequences for both humanity and immortal. After killing her husband, the so-called Queen of the Damned, Akasha, is set on slaying as many of her progeny as possible, also slaughtering mortal men, in a bid to create a new female dominated world. Simultaneously horrified at her actions and drawn to her intoxicating power, Lestat ultimately seduced her with his good looks and eloquent speech, then betrayed her. He also made the man named David Talbot a vampire by force, although it was against vampire law. David subconsciously wanted to become a vampire, but kept his urges secret because he did not want to be a man-killing monster. Lestat relieved him of the need to choose.
Dora (human)
She is a devout Christian who has a cable TV show. She is very beautiful and charismatic. She is waiting for a miracle to inspire her.
Dora is the daughter of Roger. She won’t take anything from Roger because he is a mobster. Lestat becomes obsessed with her in the process of hunting her father. Despite the warnings of his vampire kin, he reveals himself to her and she takes it as the miracle she’s been awaiting. When Lestat brings her Veronica's veil, Dora starts her own religion.
Veronica (human)
Based on Saint Veronica and her veil. It is mentioned in the course of the book that Veronica derives from Vera Ikon or "true icon" and did not actually exist.
Roger (human/ghost)
Roger is a mobster who runs a successful drug ring selling cocaine. He loves his daughter Dora very much. When Dora’s mother wants a divorce and tries to take custody over her, he kills her, but Dora does not know this. After his death, he haunts Lestat, describing his own life and commanding Lestat to watch over Dora from then on.
God/Jesus (God/God incarnate)
God is the Creator who created the other angels. He does not know how he came to be and therefore created the universe and life in an attempt to better understand himself.
In this story God is portrayed in a different way than he is often portrayed in other stories. He has sovereignty over things and seemed uncaring.
Memnoch (fallen angel/the Devil)
Memnoch is the fallen angel of legend. He has long been the 'best' of the angels, but (he claims) has always defied God and asked why humans should suffer and not immediately be placed in Heaven. Because of these questions and other actions that he makes, he alleges that he is put in charge of preparing the souls for their ascent into Heaven. Memnoch's domain supposedly serves as a place of punishment and torture for the damned, who will eventually earn access to heaven. He may have sinister ulterior motives.
The universe as revealed to Lestat by the Devil follows the following cosmology:
* God is a powerful being worshiped by angels since before the existence of matter and time. The Earth was his creation. Because of this angels spent much time admiring his handywork. However, this god does not appear to be omniscient. Despite assurances, Memnoch claims to have changed God's opinion on the importance and unnaturalness of humanity.
* Through evolution, creatures on the earth developed the image of angels and a "flame" of life which allowed pain and death. Eventually humans developed their own souls, invisible forces similar to angels. This surprises and shocks many of the angels. These souls collect in confusion around the world in a realm that the angels describe as "Sheol" or the Gloom, attempting to come to terms with their existence. Such interventions caused the tales of spirits, reincarnation and the first vampires.
* The book also mentions the addle-brained spirits that were never human, that are mentioned in The Queen of the Damned and The Witching Hour. Memnoch explains these as being of two origins. The first is angels that fell in love with certain parts of nature and became the spirits of the rocks, mountains and trees (and therefore did not return to Heaven) and the "invisible ones", incorporeal beings who never interacted with the angels. Neither were ever human souls because both established themselves before human souls developed.
* Memnoch, an archangel, becomes impatient with God's constant assurances that all is well, despite the pain and suffering of life and death. Memnoch vehemently criticizes God's plan, accusing God of lacking vision and benevolence. Memnoch decides to fully experience the special nature of humanity by creating a physical form and sleeping with a woman. God bans Memnoch from heaven, causing Memnoch to impart his vast knowledge of science to humanity, in retaliation, thus inadvertently founding civilization, during which time Memnoch realizes that the characteristic that sets humans apart is their ability to love and feel passionate.
* When God invites Memnoch to Heaven to explain his disturbance of the natural order of creation, Memnoch persuades God to allow him to find souls who are suitable for Heaven. After thousands of years wandering Sheol, Memnoch discovers an especially powerful group of souls who have forgiven God and appreciate the grandness of all creation. God accepts these souls into Heaven, permanently changing it forever.
* God is highly pleased with the new composition of Heaven, but Memnoch continues to accuse God of not showing concern for the other souls of Sheol. Memnoch finally loses trust in God and demands that he should take human form to understand passion and, in fury, God banishes Memnoch from Heaven.
* While Memnoch is in exile, God admits some of his angel's wisdom and takes on a human form, Jesus. God believes that by appearing in human form, performing miracles, suffering and dying, he will create a religion that will allow more humans to attain Heaven by reverence and fear. This is in sharp contrast to Memnoch's approach of attaining purity through love and experience of the wonders of creation and the two confront each other in the desert.
* Memnoch is awed and shocked by God's sacrifice. Nevertheless, he argues that God did not put himself through enough. Unlike a regular human, when God died on the cross, he knew that he would survive and thus could never have known the true suffering of Man. Man does not know his soul will survive and thus suffers. God knew he would survive death and could not truly know what it was to be a human. For God, this complaint is the last straw, he declares Memnoch as his adversary and commands him to rule Sheol and Earth in a satanic form, preparing souls for Heaven in his own fashion.
* Working in the Sheol, Memnoch creates a form of Hell, a place where people who have been bad in life (and all vampires), will be punished until their souls are able to understand the joy of creation and the light of God enough to be ready for Heaven.
* Memnoch doesn't like this work and is constantly asking God to appoint someone else to the job (as David Talbot witnesses in the previous Vampire Chronicles novel).
Not surprisingly, Memnoch the Devil came under severe criticism from Christians, especially fundamentalist Christian denominations, as being heretical. The reasons included, but were not limited to:
* Rice's portrayal of God as a flawed being.
* The idea of Hell as purgatory and therefore not eternal.
* The idea that Jesus' sacrifice was insufficient.
* The acceptance of evolution in a theological context.
* The complete absence of dogma needed for Heaven or Hell.
In particular, several scenes were considered downright blasphemous, such as when Lestat drinks Jesus' blood (he was given the offer by Jesus himself), to confirm that he is truly divine.
On the other hand, Rice's cosmology has precedents. Her concept of a sphere of souls can be (roughly) compared with the noosphere hypothesis of Roman Catholic theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, whose book appears briefly in the Tale of the Body Thief.
Cell Phone Radiation: Top 10 Best and Worst
Environmental Working Group Rates 1,200 Cell Phones According to Radiation Emission
How much radiation does your cell phone emit?
The Environmental Working Group, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, thinks you should know. To make things easy, this week the group released a list ranking more than 1,000 cell phones according to the radiation levels they emit.
Questions regarding health risks associated with cell phone radiation have persisted for years. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has stated that scientific evidence does not indicate negative health outcomes from exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phones.
But the Environmental Working Group disagrees.
"We would like to be able to say that cell phones are safe," Olga Naidenko, EWG senior scientist and lead author of the study, said in a statement. "But we can't. The most recent science, while not conclusive, raises serious issues about the cancer risk of cell phone use that must be addressed through further research. In the meantime, consumers can take steps to reduce exposure."
The watchdog group created the list based on technical data provided by the manufacturers. The full list can be viewed here.
But check below to see if your phone made the list of the 10 best phones -- or the 10 worst.
EWG's List of Lowest Radiation Phones:
1. Samsung Impression (SGH-a877) [AT&T]
2. Motorola RAZR V8 [CellularONE]
3. Samsung SGH-t229 [T-Mobile]
4. Samsung Rugby (SGH-a837) [AT&T]
5. Samsung Propel Pro (SGH-i627) [AT&T]
6. Samsung Gravity (SGH-t459) [CellularONE, T-Mobile]
7. T-Mobile Sidekick [T-Mobile]
8. LG Xenon (GR500) [AT&T]
9. Motorola Karma QA1 [AT&T]
10. Sanyo Katana II [Kajeet]
7 Surprising Ways Cell Phones Affect Your Health
Mobile Devices Can Pose Health Risks -- and Not in the Way You Might Think
ABC News Medical Unit
In recent years, public fears over the radiation emitted from cell phones have led to several theories about the health conditions this radiation might engender.
Almost invariably, the assertions that the use of cell phones may lead to a higher risk of brain cancer, that their use by pregnant women may result in badly behaved children -- even a video that suggested that the waves from two cell phones could be used to cook an egg -- have been discredited by scientific investigation.
"Current scientific evidence doesn't indicate any adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phones," U.S. Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman Peper Long told last May.
"Although there have been reports of negative health effects from low levels of radio frequency energy, these reports have not been replicated or confirmed."
Get Your Wellness Questions Answered at the OnCall+ Wellness Center
So those who suspect their phones are frying their brains can likely rest easy. However, research and anecdotes have suggested a number of other means by which cell phones may adversely affect health -- and possibly not in the way you might think.
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 2:50 PM 0 comments
9/11: National Day of Remembrance
Nation Pauses to Reflect 8 Years After Terrorist Attacks
President Obama marked the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks since his election with a national call to public service, a wreath-laying and a solemn moment of silence.
Americans across the country will honor the victims and heroes of the 9/11 tragedy by serving their neighbors and communities as part of the first-ever federally recognized September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.
Across the country today, tens of thousands of Americans are honoring the memory of the victims and heroes of 9/11 by engaging in service in their communities. The idea of making 9/11 a day of service and remembrance started with 9/11 family members seven years ago, and this year was enacted into legislation. Projects are taking place in all 50 states, and many are focused on supporting veterans, soldiers, and first responders.
Labels: 9/11
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Jay-Z - Blueprint 3: Album Review
Jay-Z, The Blueprint 3 (Roc Nation, 2009)
By Byron Crawford
This new Jay-Z album, the third and final installment of his Blueprint series, somehow found its way onto the Internets damn near two weeks before its release date. Crap! I haven't reviewed an album in ages, but I figured I'd have a look, to make up for some of those posts I lost last week. I swear, the things I do for you people. It's too bad hardly any of you are girls - I'd be looking for a show of gratitude right about now.
* Jay-Z @ MySpace
That freestyle he kicked out in Las Vegas, in which he mentioned the Game, Jaz-O, et al., but with some teh ghey techno music in the background. There's an extra verse about how you can either sit at home and flash guns on YouTube, or you can go with him to the White House to meet Obama.
Jay-Z hardly sounds like he's rapping anymore. It sounds like he's just rambling off the top of his head, like a schizophrenic homeless person. On this one, he does it in a faux British accent, as if to suggest he's rapping poorly on purpose. Good strategy. That's why they pay him the big bucks.
The fact that KRS-One made a song with the same concept, months before Jay-Z, just goes to show how feeble Jay's brain is these days. Someone might need to check and see if it's growing a thin candy shell.
Another song that's been released as a single. The familiarity makes it sound a bit better than it would otherwise. And it sounds way better than those Timbaland songs that came out last week, by comparison.
A list of streets in New York, in (hardly rhyming) rap form. Then there's this ridonkulously overwrought Alicia Keys chorus. It's like she's shouting the word in your ear, except at least in real life you might get some sweet downblouse action.
Let me guess: Jay-Z got tired of trying to remember how to rap and just bought a song from the new Young Jeezy album. You can tell, because Jay himself doesn't even appear until like halfway through the song.
This sounds like what would happen if you went into a Guitar Center and asked the guy behind the counter if a keyboard you were thinking about buying was capable of making songs like Swizz Beatz.
One of those Timbaland songs from the other day that I didn't care for. Justin Timberlake should have sung the chorus, and, if Drake just had to be on this, he should have been rappin'. I see I might need to see about an A&R position with Roc Nation.
The song that could do for J. Cole what "Coming of Age" did for Memphis Bleek. If J. Cole's career doesn't go anywhere, does he get to be in the will? How come so many of these Kanye West and No ID productions sound like budget Neptunes?
Nasty sex raps with Bernie Madoff metaphors. Irv Gotti must have lent Jay some Viagra.
A lot of this new Kanye stuff reminds me of that last Neptunes song from the Black Album. Remember that scene from Fade to Black when Pharrell went through that lengthy spiel about how Jay should buy another Neptunes track, when he already had one, then he played the beat and it was the most anticlimactic shit evar? Kanye might be purposely trying to sabotage this album.
This one, on the other hand, sounds like Kanye's take on late '90s Timbaland. How come we couldn't have gotten Kanye's take on '03-era Kanye, especially since this is a Blueprint album. None of this shit reminds me of the original Blueprint. A lot of it reminds me of that second Blueprint album, in that it's a bad idea.
The one I wasted 15 minutes writing about the other day.
Wouldn't you know, the one actual Neptunes production sounds more like shitty Neptunes than any of the Kanye productions that sound like shitty Neptunes. It also kinda sounds like the remix to "Player's Anthem" by Junior Mafia. (My cassingle game was deep back in the mid '90s.)
Perhaps the gayest thing I've ever heard. That second Bloc Party album is straight by comparison. This Mr. Hudson must have pictures of Kanye taking it up the coat.
COMMENTS: Even worse than I expected. The two singles are the best songs on the album by far. Even that Timbaland garbage from last week is better than most of the rest of this. Except "Venus vs. Mars." Prostate cancer (which Jay should be checked for, rectally) > the rest of this album > "Venus vs. Mars."
BEST TRACKS: "D.O.A." "Run This Town" "Off That"
BONUS VIDEO: "Run This Town"
Labels: 9/11, blueprint 3, Jay-Z, Sean Carter
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
You know what makes this artist a smash! He has the skills, delivery and swagger to impress upon you that this is not just rap. It's very real and for those who want to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth, stay tune for the gorgeous feature on "TONE TRUMP"
Labels: deckent, hip-hop, rap, tone trump
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 12:19 PM 0 comments
You may already know them by the "we getz it done" slogan they shouted all over. From Philly to Brooklyn, New York. And beyond, Cross and his partner Kingpin (King)the C.E.O's of DECK ENTERTAINMENT, has brought the company to the forefront of the industry. Receiving quite the welcome and collaboration of many various artists. The bright flame coming from their studio is properly known as Castro...he has been on the rise and giving nothing but the best, from deliveries to beats and production...the industry has a new found respect for these grinders, shakers and movers, and so does gorgeous magazine.
Welcome to Deck Entertainment. We are a multi-faceted entertainment company involved in many different aspects of the business. Deck Entertainment was founded in 2004 by The Kingpin with one goal in mind. To bring untapped local talent to the forefront of the industry.
In the past 5 years, Kingpin & Cross, both Co-CEO's of Deck Entertainment, have expanded the company to more than just a local record label. Deck Entertainment now manages artists, models, photographers, actors, comedians, & writers. Deck Entertainment also offers marketing, promotion, web & flyer design, and music production services.
With over 12 market releases, 2 world wide releases, and 15 artists, models, & other clients represented, Deck Entertainment is quickly becoming a recognizable brand in the industry. Our motto is 'WE GETZ IT DONE'. The way we always do that is by extending our hand to anyone that is serious about moving forward, making money and being successful.
If you would like more information on our artists, events, or services, please take the time to browse our site or contact us directly. As always, we thank you for your interest in Deck Entertainment.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"This is our editors tech pick of the day"
3M presents the MPro 120 pocket projector that is a follow-up to the MPro110. The portable projector features VGA 640×480 resolution, 12 lumens brightness, LED ligh and up to 4 hours of battery life. It will be available in the UK on 10 September for GBP260.
We were blown away by this device, compact and wide use applications. You can hook up your ipod, dvd, tv, video games and more, to this small, but powerful projector that literally fits into your pocket. Picture're on vacation, at a hotel, retreat or anywhere you want to be, with the ability to view and display a sweet 50 inch screen on any flat surface.(white or light colored of course) maaaan, you guys gotta take a look for yourself!!
Labels: 3M, editors choice, technology
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 9:03 PM 0 comments
I know it's a recession, a SALE is on! $50 per look! (2 look min.) AND IMAGE EDITING! Inquire within.
smile smile smile big_smile
I will consider you to be a FLAKE. sad
*I might consider TFCD under strict exclusive circumstances.
Meaning it's one of my TF castings (see castings below or inquire within), or I contacted you and offered TFCD. Editing pictures cost time and money and since you're not paying me, you're feeding me! smile smile Burger King, Chinese... I'm not a picky eater! big_smile
Otherwise, I'm not expensive. Reasonable session prices that will include photography, image editing
(Yes, I edit/design my own images) and in some cases clothing designs, body paint and/or makeup artistry.
"When you think pennies you get pennies." When was the last time you clocked in at work and told your boss,"Today's work is on me, don't worry about it?"
Check out my brief portfolio and my extensive website.
If you feel we might be a fit, definitely contact me.
Check out my portfolio (Right-click to view in new window):
Starr Simplicity Website
Mayhem #831892
Labels: designs, graphics, models, photographer, photoshoots
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Fyaaa, as you may all know by now, has the chameleon spirit in her. She does what is necessary for each and every shoot. 43studios has become her home. While she does not model professionally, for a career, Fyaaa does so exclusively for Photographer lloyd parks.
Below is a list of featured photos. Her obsession with herself has been just the thing that keeps the creative duo on the cutting edge.
Okay, ok. You get the idea. She's one helluva lady when that camera turns on. Fyaaa exudes the raw and potent talent that many well established models have and some times lack. The Ultimate muse is her title...what else could it be.
Labels: fyaaa, sci-fi horror flawless face
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 11:52 AM 0 comments
"This Halloween we want to go overboard....are you up to the challenge"??
Just in case you thought we only did the horror and sci-fi bit, well no,wrooooonnng. We don't mind the fancy costumes and creative faerie stuff like:
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"This American humor of ours, call it comedy, call it jokes, call it what you will, gives each and every one of us a great stress release if only we seize it with both hands and choke the crap out of it."
--gangster of comedy, Capone.
"This American system of ours, call it Amercianism, call it capitalism, call it what you will, gives each and every one of us a great opportunity if we seize it with both hands and make the most of it."
--gangster Al Capone
History has a funny way of repeating itself. Take the Windy City of Chicago circa the 1820s when a self-proclaimed Brooklyn street politician named Al Capone revolutionized the crime world with his hustling antics. Nearly 70 years later, the Bronx is introduced to Derrick Lee, another hustler who trades in his ruggish-thuggish ways to become a successful entrepreneur and later metamorphosize the world of comedy as Capone, the Gangster of Comedy.
While both Capones lives slightly parallel each other, our beloved comedian’s life is not tragic, but inspirational. Unlike Chi-town’s original crime lord, Capone, the comedian didn’t ignore the warning signs that he needed to cease the hustle. His first and last sign came in 1991 after receiving a nine-month sentence. It was then that the soon-to-be notorious funnyman knew the street life wasn’t his calling. “Jail was a blessing for me,” recalls the 28-year old comedian of his spiraling street career. “At the rate I was going I’d either be spending a whole lot of time there or end up dead.” With a second chance, Capone left the street life and became a home attendant for the mentally challenged. “It may seem a little far fetched that I chose a Samaritan job, but I’ve always been interested in helping people, especially those who can’t do for themselves.” Although his salary was a far cry from his previous income, he valued his freedom enough to stay on a legitimate path and supplemented his wages by moonlighting as a barber on the weekends. It was at his second job, that he began to hone his comedic skills by engaging in intense snap sessions with co-workers. “I was always crackin’ jokes on the customers or my co-workers so the barber shop served as a sort of comedy haven for me.”
It wasn’t until 1992, when a promoter friend of Capone’s challenged him to take his innate talent off the streets and to the stage that his comedy career was launched. “My first show was at Columbia University,” says the eight year comedic veteran of his meager beginnings and who credits his late mother for his comedic sense. “I won the amateur contest and I was invited to perform with the heavy hitters.” Performing with professionals such as Tracey Morgan (Saturday Night Live), Talent (Wyclef Jean’s 1998 The Carnival), Michael Epps (Next Friday) opened up many doors for the boisterous budding comedian. He immediately ditched his day job after he’d saved his earnings to open his first barber shop six years ago. “It was always one of my dreams to have my own barber shop and work for myself.”
Today, the notorious funnyman is also the C.E.O. of D.D.L. Enterprises (his initials) and owns three businesses in the Bronx -a barber and beauty shop and a computer store. In addition to his acute business savvy, Capone’s ability to adapt to any audience has made him a mainstay in the comedy arena. He’s performed at a slew of comedy clubs including New York’s Caroline’s Comedy Club, Uptown Comedy Club, Boston Comedy Club and tons of universities. It is this same universal comedic flair that helped Capone nab his gig as the host of Harlem’s legendary Amateur Night at the Apollo Theatre. “My jokes are personal -relationships, children, society, work, ethnicity,” admits Capone who also hosts the majority of the Apollo’s scheduled concerts. “I transform it into a comedic vision.” Luckily for the humorous, the gangster of comedy and his silly comrades had an even bigger vision -to unite The Big Apple’s top five comedians (Capone, Talent, Gerald Kelly, Drew Frasier and Rob Stapleton) for a N.Y. Kings of Comedy tour. “We decided to put this show together about a year ago, but it was difficult with everyone’s conflicting schedules. But when we finally came together I went straight to the Apollo and made it happen.” The Royal Fam’ is such a hot commodity that the show sold out in less than a week and a second show had to be added. “We’ve gotten an overwhelming response and I’m hoping the show will travel soon.”
As if he isn’t already inundated with enough projects, Capone has also done album skits for one of the Ruff Ryder’s canines Drag-On’s solo debut Opposite of H2O and is currently completing his own debut My Life Was No Joke, a clever fusion of comedy, rhythm and blues and rap due out this July. Capone who is also remembered for his unique style of dress is also planning to launch his own clothing line in the near future. With such a hefty plate, it’s hard to imagine what Capone will most be remembered for -his contribution to the history of comedy or his flourishing businesses. “I want to be remembered as the comedian who handled things his way,” says Capone who also manages to be a doting father despite his dual career. “And as far as my personal contribution, I’d like to touch the lives of people who did not believe in themselves. Everybody has problems that they sometimes can’t control. But after the dark tunnel there’s always light, it’s just how long you’re willing to walk that path.”
It’s obvious that the gangster of comedy has traveled his path and walked toward the light almost stealthily -when the world of comedy lease anticipated his arrival. But he’s here now, sitting stoically upon his comedic throne waiting to tickle the next funny bone.
Labels: celebrity, comedian capone, entertainer, photoshoots
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Believe Your Soul Mate is Out There
Believe Your Soul Mate is Out There
Painting by Rene Magritte, "The Lovers" (1928)
Believing that your soul mate is out there is critical to the preparation of manifesting him or her into your life. The basic law of attraction states that you will attract to you those things that match your state of belief.
I believe that the Universe is always mirroring back to us our beliefs about ourselves and the world. If we believe the world is a loving and friendly place, then most of the time that will be our experience. If we believe the world is a chaotic, stressful and fearful place, then that becomes our reality. So, believing and knowing that your soul mate is out there is part of the formula for manifestation. If you do not yet believe with 100% certainty that your soul mate is out there, let’s begin to look for things that will make a believer out of you.
Do you believe you are loveable? If you are reading this then I am certain you are loveable. Why? Because, loveable people want more love in their lives. But, if you believe you are not loveable, I’m going to ask you to challenge that belief. Take a moment to identify at least three (or more) lovable traits that you possess, such as being generous, compassionate, friendly, kind, considerate, thoughtful, interesting, funny, etc. Write these down and then memorize them. You will be using them shortly for your treasure map.
I know many very attractive, successful single people who have some very negative, limiting beliefs when it comes to finding their soul mate.
The list usually goes something like this:
I’m too old.
I’m too fat.
I’m too damaged.
I have too much baggage.
I am too successful.
I am not successful enough.
All the good ones are taken.
Nobody I want wants me.
These are just knee-jerk excuses to keep you stuck. There is plenty of evidence that love is available to everyone regardless of age, weight or income or any other feeble excuse. What if I told you that it’s not your job to know HOW your soul mate is going to appear? It’s only your job to be ready, willing and open to love.
You don’t really know where air or water comes from but you totally believe that they are there for you. As a human being you know that air and water are your divine right. You know that no matter what mistakes you have made in the past, you are still going to wake up every day and have access to air and water. The same is true for love. It’s there for you. It’s always been there for you. You just need to remember the love that you are and once you do, the Universe will deliver to you the perfect soul mate. There is nothing for you to do, there is only a way for you to BE.
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Desi has been around for a minute. Doing only creative images with 43studios. Desi has gain much notoriety for the following creative shot:
"now she's back and hot as ever doing her thing again, but this time she'll surprise you...slim, sexy and fort Desi B. in the next gorgeous magazine issue"
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 5:47 PM 0 comments
"I've had the pleasure of working with 'DAWSON' before and while it was hot...this round is even hotter. She's a beautiful model, one who gives the camera just what it wants...from pin up to high fashion, Dawson is a winner. Legs that go up to heaven, eyes bright, beautiful and wide. pulling you in and making you submit to her style of beauty and grace".
Labels: fashion, model, muse, photoshoots
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Tayo grew up in Connecticut and attended Seton Hall University in New Jersey. She received her Bachelors in Communications and Business. In high school she ran track, competed for the gymnastics team (making 2nd team All State) and was a cheerleader.. In college she continued to cheer all four years. She currently juggles modeling and a full time career in the finance field. Tayo is a multi faceted person who likes to have a lot on her plate. She says, “….it keeps me occupied and I always have something to strive for.” She would someday like to drop the finance and pursue modeling, acting, and voice over work full time. Not to mention, she plans on going back for her Masters and would also like to open her own little gymnastics center. She is driven so there is no doubt that she will accomplish what she has set her eyes on.
We don't really have to say: "She's a f@!kin winner! Tayo has graced the pages of Magazines such as "Straight Stuntin" as well as Sweets and Show magazine's. Next month this bad beauty graces our very own "Gorgeous Magazine". Feast your eyes on this power packed champ, until then!!
Labels: eyecandy, models, Tayo
Posted by GORGEOUS MAGAZINE at 5:26 PM 0 comments